Really lots of options you just have to think about what you want to achieve. If you want to use your computer then you'll have to drop the latency down to minimum and probably keep the project lite probably going as far as rendering it out and using an audio file of it to record and bounce stuff around in the DAW instead of the physical world.

Either use an external preamp or the one included with the mixer and then use the aux send to hardware reverb unit and then feed that back to the singer and record the dry signal for yourself. So, what can you do? Well you could look at say a mixer. But the downside to doing it this way is you lose effects like reverb being sent to the singer. Some preamps have headphone outs and others don't. Now, there is still technically a delay even in the analog world, but you're on several orders of magnitude less delay. On dedicated stuff like a lot of guitar pedals for example this can be performed in just a handful in less than about 2ms which is about 2.25ft give or take some rounding errors. See, if the signal ever goes into the digital domain that means it gets converted to a whole bunch of 1s & 0s and that by the very nature of it takes a certain amount time.

Absolutely, but it requires analog to accomplish.